Sunday, November 30, 2014

From Me, To You

The other night, as Josh and I walked down the hall with our sweet, two-year-old on my hip, I felt like I was 60 minutes past my bedtime. It had been a long day and I was ready for the house to wind down. 
My head had a dull ache, and I was sure there just had to be a small elephant sitting on my back.

Then, a few steps into our journey to Sahara's bedroom, she whispered "love you mama."
It was one of those palpable moments as a parent, where you can feel your baby's emotions, perfectly.
That girl was sucking her right thumb, while her left hand was twirling my hair as we walked.
She could tell I was nearing the end of my rope, let's be honest, she is good at that.

But in that palpable moment, I felt a little tiny weight lift off my shoulders.
I was doing something right.
I had taught that little girl what it means to have empathy.

The rubber hit the road.

I am so thankful for all that she teaches me, day-in and day-out. There is nothing like living and seeing the way your child does, I wouldn't trade that for anything.

So, next time you are rushing down the hall with a baby, two blankies (no more, no less), a sippy cup, a dripping toothbrush, and a headache fit for a king, remember that your rubber is hitting the road. Don't doubt that you are making a difference, you are teaching, loving, doing, just where you are needed most. 

How thankful I am for this sweet reminder from a sweet girl.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Becoming "Mom."

Good grief, a two-year-old? How?
Time really has flown by and left us sitting in a heap wondering what just happened.

October 26th, our sweetie turned two! 
Words cannot express the love we feel for her, she is a pure joy to parent and raise. We have our moments of pushing boundaries, refusing peas, or momentary lapses in emotional control (Sahara...), but when we make up, she wraps her arms around my neck and she whispers "sorry mommy," that is what makes it all worthwhile. This age, hands down, is my very favorite. Sahara is a sweetheart and I am so proud of the little person she is becoming.

I am so thankful for this girl, she has changed me, made me better, molded me into the mother she needs me to be. I remember before she was born, I wondered if I would physically bounce back after she was born, little did I know, that isn't what I needed to worry about.
She has changed the very person I am. 
In the moments of stress and change, I didn't understand what she was molding me into.
I fought it. Hard. 
But now, I wouldn't change it for anything.
Hindsight really is 20/20.

She has made me the mom that I never expected to become.
One that checks her baby's breathing at least twice before bed.
One that cuts her food into eye-rolling small pieces.
One that lets her trip over herself at the playground.
A mother that allows her to teach herself when it is possible.
A mother that holds her hand.
One that hugs her baby enough for 7 children.
One that works when it isn't easy, to teach her daughter that this is important.
A mother that I wouldn't recognize if I didn't see her in the mirror every day.

Most days, it is so easy for me to overlook all this spunky 2-year-old has given me.
But, I am so thankful for her. More than words could ever begin to explain. 
So, Miss Sahara, happy birthday once again. 
I am so incredibly blessed to be your mother.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Keep Holding On

As we are neck deep in parenting our toddler these days, often I draw parallels between parenting our daughter and life's lessons.

I have these times daily.
Sahara will be excited to get somewhere, or she wants something, but for her safety, or ultimately, her happiness, she needs to hold my hand. When we take the mail out in the mornings, when we are walking across the crosswalk, getting groceries, in crowds, she holds my hand. 
It isn't an option in my mind, for her safety, this is the deal. She can walk if she wants, but no letting go or running ahead of mom.

This isn't to say she doesn't try.
She tries! Then she becomes frustrated, usually I can reason with her and remind her why it is important and neccessary to hold my hand. Only with these constant reminders, she will calmly keep her sweet little grip on my hand.

Sometimes in life when we want to "run ahead," we are prompted that "this isn't the time, keep holding on."
At times like these, I become frustrated just like my toddler does. It is human I guess.
I think one reason we get frustrated in these situations, is because we can't see the whole picture. We don't fully understand why we are being told "no," or "not yet."

So, this is where I am trying to take a page out of my toddler's book. 
To trust and to be content with these answers. Trust that the answers we recieve are for our own good, for our safety, and our happiness.

One thing that undeniably influences my daily life is my faith, and my dedication to our our church. Take this as a grain of salt, weather you believe in a God, or not. This is part of me and it brings me so much happiness. 

I am thankful for our Heavenly Father that loves each one of us enough to show interest in each of our lives. I am thankful that he doesn't give up on me, when I ask him as many times as my toddler asks me. He doesn't become frustrated, he just answers just as he did before. He sees the whole picture, he knows what we need individally. I am so thankful for this!

I do not write this because I have mastered patience in His timing, but because I am horribly impatient. I am working on it, slowly. I need reminded and I am thankful for this outlet to do so.

For anyone else that is less than perfect at patience, it is my hope that we can work together and remind ourselves to "keep holding on," to trust, trust that our patience will, in the end, bring joy.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Reminder

Most of what I write, I feel foolish for writing. All of these ideas and views are my own, and they are mostly for me. I feel foolish because often I feel that why should I, the imperfect wife, mother, and woman, be preaching to the choir, who has probably already figured this out one hundred times over. 
These are my reminders and my inspirations, I am still a student in these things that I write.
I named this blog "Today Find Joy" to reflect my my daily desire to be glad. To be glad when the bumps in the road come and to be glad over mundane happenings. This is one of those times, I need reminded to be happy, to find joy in my circumstances.
One of our church leaders, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, speaks of this, being happy now.
"So often we get caught up in the illusion that there is something just beyond our reach that would bring us happiness: a better family situation, a better financial situation, or the end of a challenging trial.
The older we get, the more we look back and realize that external circumstances don’t really matter or determine our happiness.
We do matter. We determine our happiness.
Sometimes in life we become so focused on the finish line that we fail to find joy in the journey. I don’t go cycling with my wife because I’m excited about finishing. I go because the experience of being with her is sweet and enjoyable.
Doesn’t it seem foolish to spoil sweet and joyful experiences because we are constantly anticipating the moment when they will end?
Do we listen to beautiful music waiting for the final note to fade before we allow ourselves to truly enjoy it? No. We listen and connect to the variations of melody, rhythm, and harmony throughout the composition.
We shouldn’t wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available—all the time! Life is not meant to be appreciated only in retrospect. 
Let us resolve to be happy, regardless of our circumstances."
I love these words of encouragement, who eats a piece of pie only in anticipation of that last, delicious, bite? Who takes the kids to the park, waiting for that last trip down the slide? Who tickles the baby, wishing for the last belly-laugh of the day? 
Why is it that we anticipate the next "step" of life?
Why not be happy right now?
Life really isn't supposed to be enjoyed only in retrospect. 
Let's enjoy it right now. Even when the babies are teething and the work is taxing and the bills are coming and the wife is uptight and the husband is stressed and the dishwasher is broken and the car needs repaired and the kids are fighting and the nights are long.
Sometimes, these things all come at once. It is frustrating and hard and discouraging. But what does wishing them away acomplish? 
How disappointing life would become if we spent our days wishing for the next horizon only to find happiness was around us the whole time. Like missing the fireworks and not realizing it until after the show. 
Let's not miss the show. We might have to look for it, even search, but it is happening all around us.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Whew, where has this last week gone? 
It has been pretty busy at our house, Josh finished school for the summer *applause* I am so proud of him! This was a big sacrifice for our family, most of the time I felt like I was losing my mind, but 8 more credits in the bag. That will relieve some stress in there long run, so I would say it was very much worth it. This means that guy will only have four more weeks off of school this summer, until next. Whew.

It is a new adjustment for us, now he  is home when Sahara wakes up in the mornings, so that part of our day isn't as stressful. It is amazing what those couple extra hours of having him home does for my stress level-works wonders.

I guess that is one thing that is constant about life, things are always changing. But if they weren't, what fun is that? When these changes come to us, I am reminded of my "2014 word," trust. These changes are scary sometimes, but they bring good things. They stretch us and teach us. They keep us humble.

Speaking of changes...

I am over the moon! 
This was something I have put off too long, something I have wanted to do, but there was always an excuse. The kitchen is so much brighter, happier, cleaner, all that good stuff. It probably comes in second for "hardest, most time-consuming, DIY/home projects," second to reupholstering our two couches...that my friends, was pain. But, these two projects were hands down the most rewarding to do. I am seeing that a lot in life, things that are hard, are usually the most "worth it" things we could be doing. Let's be honest, I'm not complaining that these are behind me! Lessons learned, good times, and now if I ever choose to do these projects again, I know they are worth it.

Something I have been thinking a lot about lately. Everyone who is great started somewhere. Whatever we are trying to be "great" at, whether that be at motherhood, womanhood, being a wife, doing the laundry, or hey, even just making sure that the Cheerios aren't smashed into the carpet at the same time as the Apple Jacks, we all start somewhere.

Why not just start right where we are at?

Right. Here.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


"You aren't enough." 

That voice whispers to us when that is the last thing we need.
When the babies are crying, the phone is ringing, someone is knocking at the door, your toddler is asking for a snack, you just stubbed your toe running for the door AND the phone, a diaper needs changed, cheerios are being mashed into the carpet, you feel like you are about to lose your marbles, and then you hear it: "You aren't doing enough. You aren't spending enough time with the kids. You aren't running fast enough. You don't look like you are put together. You aren't enough."

I don't write this because I have mastered drowning out that voice, but because that voice is very familiar to me. 

Do you hear it too, occasionally? Daily? Too often?

Why is it that sometimes we sabotage ourselves with these voices. Why do we give them time to creep in? Why do we listen and believe?

You ARE enough.

You are enough when you are doing your very best with what you have. You are enough when you have been run ragged. As much as we wish, we can't do it all. 

Whoever you are, whatever your role is in life, you are enough. If you are a single mom, single woman, full-time, part-time, no-time worker, if you feel you aren't good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, social enough, you are enough. If you feel forgotten, or looked over, you are worth it. 

I used to beat myself up quite a bit about working full-time and being a mom full-time. I felt guilty about spending time with Sahara- the office was neglected. I felt guilty about doing my office work- my daughter was neglected. I stressed, I tried to do it all. I ran myself ragged I cried, I was at the end of my rope.

Then it hit me:

You are enough.

 You are enough when you are doing the very best you can. Don't expect anything over and above that. Do your best and nothing more.

Whatever it is that is running you ragged, whatever weighs you down like a ton of bricks, don't let it. Don't expect more than you can give.
Then, we will be enough.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Our 4th of July

(Mid-yawn picture courtesy of Miss S...)

Our 4th was lovely!
But when are 3-day weekends not lovely?
No school for 3 days. No work for 3 days. What a treat!

We took full advantage and went to our local parade, it is always a winner.

These two were very interested in whatever was driving by at the time!

It was so good to see Sahara wanting Josh to hold her...or "holdu." Normally on weekends, she is a little freaked out that he is around so she is extra clingy to me, but this weekend-did I mention it was perfection? She remembered him and wanted him, two thumbs up!

Sahara was so excited about the lights, sounds, music, and candy that seemed to fall from the sky. It was adorable to see her dancing around, clapping, and throwing in a random line from her ABC's or Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star...that started when she saw that she and mommy had matching star shirts. 

This was the first 4th of July parade, just the three of us, it was so good to be with these two and celebrate our freedom. I couldn't help but get a little teary-eyed when the men with bagpipes walked by, we are so blessed and I know I take that for granted.

After the parade, we headed to my parent's cabin to spend time together as a family, the cherry on top of our weekend!

I hope you all had a lovely holiday filled with lots of food, family, fun, and fireworks!


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The House and the Railcar

I have been thinking lately about life and the turns it takes.

Each of us lead completely different lives. Most are not even similar when it comes down to what makes us, as a person. Each of us are made of bricks-bricks of likes and dislikes, interests, experiences, backgrounds, trials, accomplishments, standards, morals and so on. No two of us have matching stories. Each of us has  different and unique "house" made of these bricks.

There is a common story of two railcars, that when one switch is flipped on the railroad track, those two cars end up hundreds, or even thousands of miles apart. 

The same is with us.
I take a step in one direction, you take a step in another direction. We lead completely different lives. Our lives are ours to own, create, live. That is what makes life so beautiful, we build or own "house" of life all on our own.

I have made goals for my family, for myself. Once those goals are created, what do we do with them? Do we write them and place them on a bathroom mirror only to never touch them again? Do we leave them on a shelf only to collect dust? Do we even rely on others to make those dreams come alive? Or do we put in the work, take one step at a time, live through the sweat, tears, and heartache, and make those dreams a reality?

You have your trials that have shaped and molded you, I have mine. It is what we do with these stepping stones of life that determines the strength of our "house."

I don't have to look very far in my life to see examples of people who took those misshapen, hardened stones, and made them bricks of incredible strength. Those examples have so much to give, so much encouragement inside. They are people who have truly taken their trials in stride, and didn't give up on their goals, or where they wanted their railcar to be headed. Through these examples, I can see that these trials have given direction, direction for good. 

Do you know anyone like this? What is their story? What footprints are they leaving behind?

As I think of this "house" I am creating, I am thankful. I am thankful for the bricks made of me and who I am. I am thankful for the bricks laid in place with laughter, and tears, and struggle. I am thankful for those that were simply given to me as trials, when I didn't see them coming. Trials that landed on my shoulders. I am thankful for the strength to lay them down, and hopefully, build up my house with those misshapen rocks.

What will you do? Keep that trail or hardship on  your shoulders to carry around? Or lay it down in that great house you are building and use it as a stepping stone?

Our lives are all different. We all build a different house. Every day we have the chance to change the direction our lives are heading. At the end of the day, it is our responsibility alone to own where our railcar is headed. It is my hope that, just as these thoughts have reminded me, we may be reminded: If it is time to flip that switch, do it.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Mother's Purpose

Today, I am so thankful for this sweet girl of mine.

Nothing brings the kind of joy that comes from being a mother. 
I have found that once you step across that invisible line in the sand to motherhood, the world has a lot to say about it. It usually doesn't have enough good to say about it either.

But let me tell you, nothing compares.

I must admit, I have never been the kind of mom that was eager to be away from her child. 
Often I have thought about how silly or strange this is, but there is no where in this world I would rather be, than with her.
This doesn't mean that I don't loooove having Josh around in the evenings with his extra set of hands (and let's be honest, an extra set of feet is nice...), but I have never been excited to be away from her.
Maybe i'm crazy. I probably am.
The thought of leaving her makes my stomach leap into my throat, my heart races, sometimes I tear up.
Since she was a newborn, I have hated it, and there are few things in life I hate.

This girl makes every second worth it.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my purpose here, in this life. I have been hoping, wishing, and praying that I am on the right path, helping those I was sent here to help, lifting and inspiring. I'm a mother to my daughter. That is beyond compare. This is my purpose.

The world might say that when a woman enters into motherhood, she gives up so much. I have found that I have gained more than I could have ever given. 

If you have reached this point in reading, thank you for putting up with my sappiness, just some reflections that have been heavy on my heart. Now, if you have babies, go hug them. Remember that on bad days, or even the horrible days, there is nothing greater you could be doing in this moment.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Sanity Saver

You probably know the day:
Babies wake up early, in a grouchy mood.
Mom is in a grouchy mood.
Dad is out the door before you know it.
Mom scratches her head wondering "how on Earth will we all survive the day?"

It happens to the best of us.

I remember shortly after Sahara was born, I was stressed. Stressed to the max.
My mom gave we the wise advice to stop trying to do it all, because it was okay that it wasn't all going to happen.
This bit of advice changed my mothering, and I still think of this many times a day:
stop trying to do it all, just stop.

I am the type that needs to have some control. So when our day starts off, or even starts inching toward mayhem, I stress.
My throat gets tight and my breathing gets faster. I lose my patience, too much.
Motherhood has taught me that sometimes, I just need to let go.
Stop worrying.
Roll with things.

Because of my Mother's advice to be oaky with things not getting done, I have learned (albeit slowly) that when S needs me, it is okay.
Okay to drop what I'm doing, in more circumstances than not, and to play. 
It has helped me so much to channel that stress into something like laughing, or making Sahara laugh.

I have found that when I use this advice, our day can quickly go from mayhem to harmony, crying, to laughing and playing. It is a sanity saver.  

So, thank you Mom, for that wise advice, that dishes can wait a minute, laundry can be folded at naptime, and floors can be swept, mopped, and vacuumed when I am not needed by little hands reaching and grabbing to be held. 
I am so thankful for this advice, it makes for a much happier mom, and baby at this house.

Monday, June 23, 2014

In Your Own Skin

We have all heard that saying, "variety is the spice of life."

What if there were only one flavor of ice cream?
What if there were only one color of lipstick?
What if every day was sunny?
What if everyone had the same personality, or view, or opinion?
What if we all had the same hair style?

Life would be pretty darn boring.

We would never get to try that new flavor of ice cream, heaven knows, this house loves the Tillamook Fireside S'more ice cream...
We would never be daring and try out that bright red lipstick.
We would never know what a good rainstorm smells like.
We would never be thankful for those people that expand our views and opinions.
We would never be able to try out that new hair color or cut our bangs to see how we like them.
Boring, right?

I think I have always been a people pleaser, I don't mind that about myself, but in hindsight, I see times in my life when it is okay, human, and good to be different. To have different views and do different things. This is a new goal of mine, to not just blend in and agree because it is easy.
Have you done this? Too much, like me?

It is my thought that we, as women, put so much pressure on ourselves to "fit in." But why not stand out? Why do we do this to ourselves?
I am not a pro at this, but I am finding, that it is so freeing and empowering to just. be. yourself.

Color outside the lines.
Think outside the box.
Pop on that bright lipstick.
Wear that "different" blouse.
Don't just "fit in."
How will we ever inspire those people we were sent here to inspire, if we are just, fitting in?

Life is so much more fun with colorful m&m's.

Think of how much we can gain from the knowledge we share and from our opinions and from the things we love that not everyone else "loves."

I am thankful for differences. I am thankful for weaknesses, life would be boring without something to work towards.
I am thankful for strengths that I was given to help others, that is my greatest desire.

Joy comes from being content with where you stand.
Be content in your own skin.
Find joy in your own skin.
It is yours, after all.

Friday, June 20, 2014


When I first started hearing that whisper to start a blog, I could think of too many reasons not to.
Who will care?
Who will read it?
What will I write?

I have always felt a pull towards writing-my husband claims I should be an English Major by the way I can whip out papers. But then I would have to learn all the rules, so what is the fun in that?

So after thinking of all the reasons to not create this space to share my thoughts and feelings, I still got the itch.
So here we are, friends.

Inside my mind I have so many thoughts and feelings swirling. They all need some weight to hold them down. 
That is where the blog comes in.
For my thoughts, for my feelings, for my fears, my success and my stumbling blocks in life. 
To document, to remember, to be thankful and to find the joy in life.

That being said, I'm not perfect. I'm not fancy, I'm ordinary. I don't mind, this was the life I was given. Simple makes me happy, white and gray walls make me happy. The simplicity in the day makes me feel grounded. I'm probably not exciting, but hopefully I can inspire.

These thoughts are mine.
A woman who stumbles every day, who sometimes burns dinner, and who usually doesn't have a spotless house.
These words will have as many flaws as I do, but they are mine!
These words won't be perfect, because they are mine!
These words will give my thoughts and feelings a weight to hold them down, they are mine, and now I share them with you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sweet Summer

Summer is the sweetest, isn't it? I will probably say that about fall, and winter, and spring next time they roll around...but for now, summer is definitely the sweetest.

I love the warm sun, swimming with my not-so-little-baby that probably would have been just fine if she had been born a fish instead of a human. 

I love the scent of sunscreen and the sun-kissed cheeks of Sahara as she laughs and plays in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

The 4th of July, trips to the park, evening dashes as a family to grab a snow cone...Summer is lovely.

I am finding that this summer is even sweeter than last summer, now that S can enjoy the warm weather, and appreciate running errands without our winter coats. Whenever we step out to the yard, she is begging for the "wadee," (aka:water but she is really asking for the hose...) and as soon as I turn the hose on, she will promptly be watering my flowers, the grass, the sidewalk, and her ponytail. Why not?

The last few semesters, Josh has had a decent amount of night classes. So not only would we rarely see him during the day, we also wouldn't see him at night. I am thankful that even though he is gone long before S wakes up, we at least get him in the evenings. Everything is funner with that guy around.

One thing that I plan on focusing on more this summer, is slowing down, taking a breath of the hot summer air, and enjoying these moments. I have been remembering this last year, which was Sahara's first year, looking back on the time that has since passed, and I realize I have not been soaking up these precious moments as I should be. So, more pictures, more memories, more work, but also more fun. I am thankful for that, the ability to soak up these moments with my toddler and my husband.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Just Watch

I remember the days when I was a kid, and how "growing up" was one of the most exciting things. I would sit and dream about what my husband would be like, and what my kids would be like, what car I would drive and where we would live. Spoiler alert: growing up isn't always what it is cracked up to be.

Now, as a  young adult, I like to stop for a second and watch my daughter. Just watch.

Watch her breathing, thinking, learning, exploring.
Watch her taste the gravel from our flower beds (and heaven knows, at least one fist full of sand).
Watch her looking at the birds and feel the wind on her face.
Or sometimes, I catch her doing things without thinking, like dunking her head in her swimming pool or running with no where to go.
I watch her pick up her dolls and say "mama rock!" And I watch her watch me as I start to rock her babies and sing to them, much the same as I did to her when she was much smaller.

In those moments that I can see her watching me, not just looking, but really watching, I feel such a burden to teach her by example. After all, those are some of the best memories I have, watching, and learning from my mother.

In those moments, I remember the thoughts I have had that growing up isn't what I envisioned 90% of the time, but that it is much, much greater, happier, harder, and sweeter than I could ever comprehend.

So, Miss Sahara, thank you. Thank you for teaching me and helping me grow. Thank you for making me laugh and cry and think and imagine with you. Thank you for making me see beyond myself to the bright eyes of a girl who I would give anything for.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

To My Husband

To my husband, Happy Father's Day. Thank you for stepping into fatherhood with so much ease that you looked like a natural from day one. You have amazed me, Mr. Pettet. I am thankful that our daughter has such a loving, caring, father. 
From the moment we brought our sweet newborn home, you have been a guiding and protecting hand to her. I see the love you two share, and I know that there is no greater bond than between a parent and child. Nothing is better than when daddy walks in the door after a long day. Nothing is better than watching you chase and tickle that girl until she can hardly breathe. 
I am so thankful that you are my partner in crime through this craziness of parenthood.
Thank you for being my confidant, my therapist, my best friend, and my husband. We love you more than words!
These girls are so, so, blessed.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Woman That...

I am the woman that still feels like a young girl at heart.
I'm not scared to laugh, to cry and to feel. Sometimes this gets me in trouble, but I am thankful.

I am the woman that plans.
I plan for this afternoon, and for the evening. I plan for tomorrow. I plan for next week. I plan even when I know that plan may not happen. I plan for the unexpcted and the expected. I plan for others. I plan for myself and for my family.

I am the woman that loves.
I love my my family more than I ever thought possible. I love the promise that I can be with them forever. I love my Father in Heaven for giving me this crazy, beautiful, life I live. I love yellow, chocolate, shoes, cosmetics, and good deals. I love the smell of the mountains, I love this beautiful Earth we have been given. I love the opportunity we have to start over, move on, make things right and begin again. I love the promise of tomorrow.

I am the woman that dreams.
I dream of a happy, healthy, family. I dream of motherhood. A family that knows that I love them without thinking for one second. I dream of hiding under covers and kisses from a dirty face. I dream of chubby toes and soft, sweet smelling hair. I dream of cries for "mommy," and "la-loo's." I dream of matching socks and putting pigtails in hair. I dream of this life of motherhood. I dream of being a wife and making dinner to a waiting famiy. I dream of companionship. I dream of long talks and hand holding. I dream of growing old but not growing up.

I am the woman that cares.
I care to a fault. I care until I have dug myself into a ditch only to climb out of it. I care for the stranger and for the friend. I care most for those who care for me.

I am the woman that worries.
I worry about yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I worry about the small things and the bigs things, the things I should worry about and the things I shouldn't. I worry, too much.

I am the woman that works.
I work for my little family. I work to "bring the bacon" and to keep us comfortable. I work to be independent. I work so my husband and I can create this life we live, on our own. I work because though it may be hard, it brings great satisfaction. I work to teach my daughter the importance of responsibility and perseverance. I work because I love them.

I am the woman that searches to find joy.
I find joy in this life we live. I find joy in my upbringing, in my family. I find joy in giggles and kisses from my husband. I find joy in sharing and smiling. I find joy in tomorrow and the day after. I search to find joy today.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Birth of the Blog

As some may remember, I started a craft blog in 2011. Josh and I were newlyweds, I crafted, lots. Those were the days of just he and I doing what we pleased. I loved that blog! I loved and still love crafting. But shortly after Sahara was born, my heart grew 12 sizes with love for that little girl. 

Crafting was no longer what I did for fun. I was a full-time mom, I was working full-time and when you don't have time for everything, you make time for what is most important. 
Filling my time with our newborn daughter was the easiest choice I have ever made. Consequently, crafting slowed to almost a standstill. That blog was my crafting place, not my place to share my thoughts on life, motherhood, family, cooking, beliefs, etc. So, I stopped blogging. 

Fast forward to 6 months ago, I have been getting the itch/fever/prompting to blog again. Not about envelope pillow covers, or fancy wreaths, or DIY projects, but about what was filling my heart with so many thoughts and feelings. 

That started months ago! I am a slow learner I guess. So, last week, I decided to stop ignoring those feelings. To start a new blog, one that would allow me to grow. A blog that wouldn't limit me to wreaths and homemade decor. A blog about life. I thought and thought about what to call this new space of mine. The space were I hope to encourage, uplift, inspire, my place to be "real." My place to talk about motherhood, womanhood, thoughts and feelings, insights, lessons learned, and let's face it, there are going to be disaster days when Sahara is dumping the Apple Jacks onto the freshly-mopped floor, unfolding my perfectly sorted laundry, and tracking sand through the house after she finishes playing outside...or was that just yesterday?

I have been uplifted by this blogging community. I have laughed, cried, prayed, hoped and poured over he words of women I have never met, all because of this community of bloggers. "Today Find Joy" is my daily journey to smile over those spilled Apple Jacks and the successful nap times. It is my belief that every day there is at least one thing to smile about, this is my journey to record and recollect these good days and bad days, to be thankful.

It is my hope and prayer that you would stop by to be uplifted and inspired as I record these thoughts and feelings of the everyday life of a daughter, mother, wife, woman, and student of life.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

This is Us

I'm Megan, welcome! 
I am wife to Josh and mom to Sahara. I love cooking, crafting, sewing, camping, walking, working and most of all, being a mother and wife. This life I have isn't what I expected, but much better. We have been so blessed and I am so thankful for these two people that are stuck with me.

Josh and I were married May 14th, 2011, these last three years have been lots of fun and effort and work, I am so thankful for every second.
Josh is studying Nuclear Engineering while I stay home with Sahara full time, and work full time from home. We wouldn't have it any other way!

Our daughter, Sahara Julie, was born on October 26th, 2012. That day was one of the most joy-filled days of our lives! We are so thankful for this special spirit that was sent to us. She is an absolute joy  to us and I am so thankful I get to spend every day with her.

We aren't perfect, we aren't fancy or famous, but this life we live is so happy, and blessed. We are thankful. I am thankful for this corner of the web I can call my own as we laugh, cry, grow, learn, and smile as we find joy in this crazy thing we call life. Thank you!