As we are neck deep in parenting our toddler these days, often I draw parallels between parenting our daughter and life's lessons.
I have these times daily.
Sahara will be excited to get somewhere, or she wants something, but for her safety, or ultimately, her happiness, she needs to hold my hand. When we take the mail out in the mornings, when we are walking across the crosswalk, getting groceries, in crowds, she holds my hand.
It isn't an option in my mind, for her safety, this is the deal. She can walk if she wants, but no letting go or running ahead of mom.
This isn't to say she doesn't try.
She tries! Then she becomes frustrated, usually I can reason with her and remind her why it is important and neccessary to hold my hand. Only with these constant reminders, she will calmly keep her sweet little grip on my hand.
Sometimes in life when we want to "run ahead," we are prompted that "this isn't the time, keep holding on."
At times like these, I become frustrated just like my toddler does. It is human I guess.
I think one reason we get frustrated in these situations, is because we can't see the whole picture. We don't fully understand why we are being told "no," or "not yet."
So, this is where I am trying to take a page out of my toddler's book.
To trust and to be content with these answers. Trust that the answers we recieve are for our own good, for our safety, and our happiness.
One thing that undeniably influences my daily life is my faith, and my dedication to our our church. Take this as a grain of salt, weather you believe in a God, or not. This is part of me and it brings me so much happiness.
I am thankful for our Heavenly Father that loves each one of us enough to show interest in each of our lives. I am thankful that he doesn't give up on me, when I ask him as many times as my toddler asks me. He doesn't become frustrated, he just answers just as he did before. He sees the whole picture, he knows what we need individally. I am so thankful for this!
I do not write this because I have mastered patience in His timing, but because I am horribly impatient. I am working on it, slowly. I need reminded and I am thankful for this outlet to do so.
For anyone else that is less than perfect at patience, it is my hope that we can work together and remind ourselves to "keep holding on," to trust, trust that our patience will, in the end, bring joy.
Thank you Meg! I need that some days..... laura