Whew, where has this last week gone?
It has been pretty busy at our house, Josh finished school for the summer *applause* I am so proud of him! This was a big sacrifice for our family, most of the time I felt like I was losing my mind, but 8 more credits in the bag. That will relieve some stress in there long run, so I would say it was very much worth it. This means that guy will only have four more weeks off of school this summer, until next. Whew.
It is a new adjustment for us, now he is home when Sahara wakes up in the mornings, so that part of our day isn't as stressful. It is amazing what those couple extra hours of having him home does for my stress level-works wonders.
I guess that is one thing that is constant about life, things are always changing. But if they weren't, what fun is that? When these changes come to us, I am reminded of my "2014 word," trust. These changes are scary sometimes, but they bring good things. They stretch us and teach us. They keep us humble.
Speaking of changes...
I am over the moon!
This was something I have put off too long, something I have wanted to do, but there was always an excuse. The kitchen is so much brighter, happier, cleaner, all that good stuff. It probably comes in second for "hardest, most time-consuming, DIY/home projects," second to reupholstering our two couches...that my friends, was pain. But, these two projects were hands down the most rewarding to do. I am seeing that a lot in life, things that are hard, are usually the most "worth it" things we could be doing. Let's be honest, I'm not complaining that these are behind me! Lessons learned, good times, and now if I ever choose to do these projects again, I know they are worth it.
Something I have been thinking a lot about lately. Everyone who is great started somewhere. Whatever we are trying to be "great" at, whether that be at motherhood, womanhood, being a wife, doing the laundry, or hey, even just making sure that the Cheerios aren't smashed into the carpet at the same time as the Apple Jacks, we all start somewhere.
Why not just start right where we are at?
Right. Here.
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